Body Stress Release Cape Town
Body Stress Release is a complementary health technique pioneered in South Africa by Ewald and Gail Meggersee. This gentle technique assists the body in its own healing process and brings effective relief from many forms of tension, pain and discomfort caused by the build-up of stress in the body. BSR brings effective relief from pain and discomfort from many different causes, including back pain, sciatica, “frozen” shoulders and headaches. Body Stress Release is not a diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. It is concerned only with locating and releasing stored tension, so that the body is assisted with its built-in ability to maintain and heal itself.
What People Say About Us.
Do you need Body Stress Release?
Body Stress Release is for everyone, from infants to the elderly, whether sick or healthy. We are all subjected to the stresses of every day life. We all tend to accumulate stored tension, with the resultant decline in the body’s efficiency. Even babies may have body stress after a difficult birth. Therefore, everyone’s quality of life may be enhanced, by being assessed for body stress and having it released from time to time.
What is Stress?
To most,the word stress conjures up images of something unpleasant. This is usually related to emotional situations. We are all subjected to various kinds of stress in our daily life. However, we need a certain amount of stress to evolve and grow, as it provides us with challenges that stimulate us to strive for survival and progress. Stress of the body can occur in numerous ways including mental & emotional stress, chemical stress and physical stress.
Contact Details & Hours
Ingeborg Muhsfeldt
M.B.S.R.A (S.A) B.S.R. Practitioner
Telephone: +27 (0) 83 660 0780
Address: 2 Cypress Road, Sunningdale, Cape Town
Practice Times:
Monday: 08h00 – 17h00
Tuesday: 08h00 – 17h00
Thursday: 08h00 – 17h00
Friday: 08h00 – 17h00
*Late Appointments by special request
* Payment Options: Cash/Snap Scan
Cypress Road, Sunningdale
Copyright © 2020 Body Stress Release Cape Town | Site by Melissa K